Causes I Believe In:

663 million people in the world live without clean water. That’s nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide, or twice the population of the United States. The majority live in isolated rural areas and spend hours every day walking to collect water for their family...[which] often carries diseases that can make everyone sick. But access to clean water means education, income and health - especially for women and kids.”

Scott Harrison, CW founder

If you want to give where you can have the most impact, Charity Water is a great choice. Since 2006 they've brought clean water to over 8 million people through over 28,000 water projects in communities around the world. Here's why I like them: ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of your donation goes towards their mission of bringing clean water to people everywhere.

And - my suggestion - become a monthly Charity Water donor. Even $10/month gives you access to their video series, "The Spring,"  where you can follow CW spokesperson Tyler as he travels to a township undergoing transformation due to the support of people like you and me! Every town and project for clean water is unique, and you meet local partners CW works with to make lasting change for a community. 

Once safe and clean water is flowing right inside a village or town, disease rates fall, adults have more time to raise food to both eat and sell, families are lifted out of poverty, and children can stay in school longer. Check out Charity Water's inspiring work in Rwanda, Cambodia and Ethiopia. 

Your dollars can profoundly and literally change the lives of people everywhere, just by bringing fresh, pure water to them. Visit Charity Water's website, and get inspired!

To support them, visit